Mustang  Custom Car
Rohm & Haas Explorer (II) - 1965

© Mark S. Gustavson, Wolfgang Kohrn - Last updated on September 21st. 2005


This customized Mustang features a special low profile hood, which lines are nicely extended into the front grille with a horizontal chromed bar from headlight to headlight. 
Speaking about the headlights notice the special shape that follows the grill style.

Rohm & Haas was an automotive supplier in the 60ies. The Explorer show cars were used to demonstrate the companies manufacturing capabilities.

Acc. to Mark Gustavson one of these Mustangs - if not the only show car - is still existent today. As soon as we have pics, we are going to publish them here.

The Rohm & Haas Mustang Explorerwas a styling study featuring the products of this automotive supplier, showing off opportunities for designers and engineers 

The Rohm & Haas Mustang
- most probably No. 2 of the Explorer series  - was shown as an example for the art of plastic and fibre body parts modifications.


Side chromed rails have integrated EXPLORER lettering, the wheel covers are chromed as well and feature a sort of 5-spoke-design.

The rear taillight cover is one of the nicer versions available back then and are lettered with the Explorer name. 

A very unique modification is the Targa-style double glass window roof. I'm not sure yet when exactly glass roofs became popular on customs, but this seems to be one of the first that predates any serial production car with a Targa-like glass roof later found in the Pontiac Trans-Ams or other cars of this genre.

Thanks to Mark Gustavson's archive  we've got  this exclusive material. 

You may wish to have a look at other cars of the Rohm & Haas Explorer cars by simply using google search engine.




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