The Man behind the Pony
How Holly found out about her father.
The final cover- the book is finally in print as of April 2006
ISBN 0-9785140-1-7
This section will list some errors in the first book that slipped through the
Page 70: The "printer" (means the print
file preparer or designer) somehow forgot to put the second part of the letter
on this page. This is the lower part showing Fritz Mayhew as the signer:
(The upper part started a sentence about a Ford "Blood-bath" at the UK
Design center, when the german and UK Design center were united....
Some of you may recognize Fritz Mayhew as one of
the later Design Chiefs within Ford USA, that directed the Design of the
Mustang II, promoting actively the "Jellybean" design (the Mustang
II final design work was finally put on paper by Nesbitt)....... (to be
Page 90
Pictured is of course Phil Clarks friend Roy Lunn, not Roy Haynes
The first book of a series is finally on
sale from May 14th. 2006 (See direct link further down to Hollys Ebay
shop - it may not be online at any time due to Hollys preferences)
may ask why it took Holly about 20 years to get this fantastic story
into a book.
Well, there was disbelief, distrust, historians that had a
strong word on the real story and interviews that scared Holly away. Not
being really into the automotive world except for her boyfriend owning a
Mustang back then, did not make the case and the understanding easier.
Her family wasn't really interested, the death of her father was still
painful and nobody seemed willing to remember him.
So little was in the Mustang history books, how could he really have played
an important role? Since the early doubts, more and more people are today
(2010) convinced, that indeed he played a major role and the approval of him
as the Pony emblem designer by Ford itself added to the success of Hollys
efforts. Still a story that deserves a movie production!
Paging through her findings and looking for further carton boxes in the
house of her grandma Holly finally found piece by piece a story that needs
indeed to be told to the world.
Finding friends, comrades, mates and colleagues of her father was the next
step and so she did ...year after year one more. Following the diary
and notebook of her father she tried to get all testimonials and reports on
her fathers life and job together.
It got finally easier with the Internet and more Mustang sites being
developed contributing bits and facts to the Ford world and Mustang history.
Ford internal historians have reconfirmed that they have nothing to hide and
support the research.
Now expect a bright future with even more interesting Mustang development
story wile reading through Hollys uncoming books.
She presents the facts as she found them. Her intention is not to call
anybody a liar or being wrong. It's just the history as her father saw it,
being in the middle of the action, not at a green desk somewhere up the
building levels, but right where it happened, where the Mustang was born.
the visionary artwork of one Man - Phil Clark!
Buy it direct via Hollys Ebay-Shop.
More Sales outlets are picking up
the opportunity
- Buy at the MCA annual meeting 2006 from Hollys display
- Texas Mustang Parts is the first one interested
A number of
publications brought her books to the attention of their readers, here are
just the early ones:
Mustang Times August 2006
Mustang Monthly August 2006